A Good Day

life , stars , ups and downs , chill , universe

wakeup at 7:15 am
went out to plot at 8:10am
shower & breakfast till 10am
work till 6:15 pm
in between had a chat with relative brother of mine
ate sandwich in lunch, In the Evening
after work, i went to terrace to enjoy the beautiful sunset
with partially cottony clouds, and cold breeze running through the trees all around
i messaged my brother for weather saying come up here fast.
we had small chats about various stuff exams politics independence day kites etc.
, looked at clouds sun sky, kites, all in all enjoyed every moment of sunset.
In the night after eating my dinner we went for night walk as usual
at nearby park (bankner sports complex), which is a community maintained
(not very well) park, we walked 4 rounds of 400 metres each with same awesome weather,
came back & washed my feets as always
since its very micro sandy there, the track that we walk is made of all raw sand & soil
compressed with a stone roller to avoid weed & shurbs growth on track,
after washing my feet i went to terrace to enjoy the breeze and also took my
bluetooth neckband earphones with me to have music.
Started listening to Low Hum Comatose.
While walking slowly and looking up at stars,
just within few seconds while walking i saw one of most rarest experience i ever had,
that seeing is a falling star in real life, it was astonishing, i was stunned for few seconds,
then smiled started walking again & just after that, power outage of whole village, And i’m like yes!
when the power goes down, it feels way too good! zero to no noise pollution what so ever. All dark & stars shining through the white cottony clouds,
Cold breeze flowing with very good aqi about 70 less.
High visibility of both landscapes & sky.
Yesterday was one of most awesome day for me in 2022.