My 2023 wrap up

react , nestjs , linux , life

This one is on my year 2023 review and how things went this year in my work & personal life.

Work life #

Starting from work life, i think i was fairly consistent this year when it comes to code contributions. This year i was able to master nestjs & prisma & react & went dive enough that i can figure out things on my own if enough time is given to me.

And now i also occaisonally go in source code of the libs to figure out how things are working behind fancy methods that a lib provides. Like last month i went a bit deep in shopify api js lib to figure out a server crash which was happening when using shopify api js lib for sessions turns out it was a lack of try catch block in our middleware.

And speaking of communication skills, i think i improved a lot. Now i can handle a meeting as a host for 4 teammates (including me), And previously i used to get frozen few times & mind goes blank when explaining a idea or a problem in front of my teammates. But now i also use a hack, which is to take notes before (if your the host) and after any meeting. And also i can help my teammates in debugging & brainstorming ideas and problems when needed by pairing via slack huddle or gmeet.

And one skill which i learned from handling customer support is to make reasonable yet ambigious promises for feature requests & bugfixes, from a developer prespective we never know how much time somethinig will take, so we ask for atleast 2 days even if the work is about 2 hours cause the code change needs to go through these phases, starting from the code review > manual testing > approval (if everything is ok) > staging (last manual test) finally release if everything is alright & monitoring the server & informing the client. And these things take time as usual so we need take this time into consideration.

Speaking to clients on call, like 99.9% users are generally very good & polite and dealing with them is easy for me. But Dealing with 0.1% is a bit daunting for me so i let my senior to deal with them.

All in all this year was turned out to be pretty great for me. We developed & launched around 4 apps which is not many but we explored other horizons too.

Personal Life #

One goal of mine was to focus on fitness, which i missed it entirely this year.

And also the diet even though i follow a strict vegetarian diet but i ate quite less this year, compared to last year. The reason for this is possibly due to my habit of sitting too long & not taking enough breaks while working, and this resulted in lack of appetite.

So for the next year i’ll be focusing on regular excercising & try to put on atleast some amount of muscle.

And also one thing which i’m doing from past 2 years is to nightwalk and this year I was fairly consistent and walked for 4Kms or 5k steps almost daily. Here are some of pics i clicked this year: (01/07/2023, 09:29 pm) A chill night in smoking hot weather of delhi with AQI less than 100 & cold breeze flowing through paddy fields, one of the best day of year 2023 (18/12/2023, 08:40pm) A cold night & a empty road with good AQI, few dogs walking with us after dinner.

Learnings this year (personal) #

These were the few of major points which i learned this year, And there are few things which i’ve done first time in my life:

Thank you very much for reading till the end. And Have a nice day.